Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lady Vols and a Job Interview

Yesterday was a good day for me and a bunch of Lady Vols fans!!! You may know that last night the Lady Vols won the National Championship! It was a great game with lots of really good plays. I now officially love College basketball!! I used to not like it but as I have been watching March madness alot...and I've gotten addicted! Don't know how long it will last, but it's fun for now! Also what made yesterday great, was, that I went to a coffee shop, which sells coffee (obviously), food and gifts of some sort. My mom knew the owners a long time and they just opened a new store. So I thought it would be a good thing to ask for a job. And she told me I could start as soon as possible!!! I'm so excited and I can't wait to start. I'm going to be working close to the boss and doing what she needs me to. Organizing and what not. but thats for a while and then we'll see what happens later. So, for now I will move and then I'm gonna start working! So, peace to the people!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My brother

Today is my brothers 12th birthday! It's amazing that time passes so fast and that he is almost a teenager! I shutter at the thought of that.... Well, so far today he has gotten a Nerf Gun (shown above) and shot me with it, so I got his old one and made sure we came to an understanding, I made him waffles that he ended not wanting so we ate them instead! He's been playing with the dogs and watching t.v. I think he's happy! So i think today we're going roller skating and he's going to hang out with his best friend for a while. For now he is playing violin and getting ready to start a fun day and I got to get off here so I'll leave with this little thought, even though he can be annoying and crazy, I still love him! Happy Birthday little bro and I hope you have many more to come.


Monday, March 17, 2008


We're back!! Well we have been back for a few days but I haven't been able to write. So I'll try to keep it short but no guarantees! OK well the trip was amazing to start off and sooo much fun! It wasn't cold but the wind was really bad and made it feel like really cold. So we just covered our faces and kept skiing. We all skied really hard and all day long but it was worth it! The second day we couldn't move, we were so tired and our legs were jello but we kept skiing!! =] My parents originally went up there to demo and talk business. So they got to ski a bunch of really cool skis and stuff. By the last day the reps let me demo and I found a pair that I like a lot! They're cute and fast. Joshua had a little bit of a hard time, he kept falling or crashing in to mom! He and mom collided once. He went off a big jump and hurt his ankles and jammed his finger...again. But he was OK after a little while. He always kept us laughing and happy! Our friends went with us and we all went out to a nice restaurant on the last night which was like the best meal that I have had ever! We ate sushi and couscous and some other stuff which was also good. Some of the sushi had fish eggs on them so I ate fish eggs! It was surprisingly good. Joshua didn't like it at all and was mad that he ate some. I am glad to be back but I want to go back soon because I had so much fun! Hope you like the pictures and more to come later.

Peace to da people,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Next victim...

Yup i finally got sick! The friends were staying with had the flu a week or so ago. So we knew that someone else would get it soon to follow. My brother got it, and about 48 hours later I got it. Yippee..not really i hate the flu more than anything and I hate being sick to my stomach so I was sick and mad. I am better now a little bit tired but good! So know we are wondering who the next victim is....... Mom thinks it's her but I think that both my parents are healthy enough to not get it. But I thought that about me too, so we will see. Were just hoping that everyone stays healthy so we don't have a bad ride to W.V. on Sunday! So next post should be about our trip so until then, Peace out!


Friday, February 29, 2008

<3 Pictures <3

Here are the rest of the pictures from our snow day!! Enjoy!

Peace out,

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Snow day

Finally!! There was a big snow fall in Gatlinburg TN! Woohoo.....sorry but, I thought that this whole winter was going to go by without a snow fall. But my wish came true and look at that we have like 9 inches!It was super fun to play with our neighbors and i got to ride a four wheeler around in the snow and slide around...(on purpose)Its so great, oh and I know I have been horrible about not writing. I have been very busy lately and haven't had time or anything to write about. Yes Chistopher I'm finaly writing.... Well enough about that our family is going to Snowshoe WV in March so I will write about that later and show some pictures.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good friends and a ski retreat

I have some of the best friends in the whole world!!! I miss yall all ready! My youth group went up to ski this past week and I had so much fun! We skied, walked around town, and had the coolest cabin. We got to play this game where we put tape on someone and put a bunch of shredded paper on them. It was cool until we had to clean up. There was a BIG mess in there and it took a long time to pick up. We didn't have a vacuum so we had to use tape and our feet!! Lydia and I didn't get to play apples to apples with everyone so we couldn't win! But we did play the tape game and spoons! I never won at that but Cameron did beat Ryan!! Our leaders were really great. They didn't care if we played the music loud or if we made a mess (as long as we picked it up) Thanks for going with us! I appreciated it. And sorry about not writing. I haven't had anything to write!!


Friday, January 4, 2008

Very thankful...

This year was the best Christmas i have had in a long time. I didn't get everything i wanted but that didn't bother me. Joshua did but i was expecting that! I was thinking about when i was like 6 or 7 years old and one of our good friends gave me a gift that I didn't like. Well I pitched a fit and a told them that I hated it! Mom was mortified that I said that and made me keep it!!! But every Christmas at some point I think of that and tell myself that I will not do that again and that I will be very thankful for what ever I get. This year I got a few things that I was expecting and a few surprises. But the best part of this year was when we were in Tennessee with my dads side of the family. Normally we go and sit there for a few hours and the kids get in trouble for doing something stupid. Instead we took our game (are you smarter than a fifth grader) and tried to play it. It was really bad so we played another game called Mafia! The good thing was is that everyone played. We did that for 2 and a half hours! My brother got in the car and said this was the best Christmas we have ever had here! And we didn't get in trouble!! I was just thankful that we got to spend time with family and it turned out to be the best time.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

My blog!!

I finally got a blog!!! I will try to not let this get random but no guarantees.  =] Leave me comments!