Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My brother

Today is my brothers 12th birthday! It's amazing that time passes so fast and that he is almost a teenager! I shutter at the thought of that.... Well, so far today he has gotten a Nerf Gun (shown above) and shot me with it, so I got his old one and made sure we came to an understanding, I made him waffles that he ended not wanting so we ate them instead! He's been playing with the dogs and watching t.v. I think he's happy! So i think today we're going roller skating and he's going to hang out with his best friend for a while. For now he is playing violin and getting ready to start a fun day and I got to get off here so I'll leave with this little thought, even though he can be annoying and crazy, I still love him! Happy Birthday little bro and I hope you have many more to come.



Coy said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!!! (Cool nerf gun btw)
