Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Next victim...

Yup i finally got sick! The friends were staying with had the flu a week or so ago. So we knew that someone else would get it soon to follow. My brother got it, and about 48 hours later I got it. Yippee..not really i hate the flu more than anything and I hate being sick to my stomach so I was sick and mad. I am better now a little bit tired but good! So know we are wondering who the next victim is....... Mom thinks it's her but I think that both my parents are healthy enough to not get it. But I thought that about me too, so we will see. Were just hoping that everyone stays healthy so we don't have a bad ride to W.V. on Sunday! So next post should be about our trip so until then, Peace out!



Christopher Rollins said...

BUMMER = ( . I hate when I get sick. It is not fun.


peace OUT


Anonymous said...

Get well soon! I hope you are all well for the W.V. trip. Have fun!

Miss u,

Coy said...
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Andy Gill said...

So, what about that trip to WV? Did it happen?