Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lady Vols and a Job Interview

Yesterday was a good day for me and a bunch of Lady Vols fans!!! You may know that last night the Lady Vols won the National Championship! It was a great game with lots of really good plays. I now officially love College basketball!! I used to not like it but as I have been watching March madness alot...and I've gotten addicted! Don't know how long it will last, but it's fun for now! Also what made yesterday great, was, that I went to a coffee shop, which sells coffee (obviously), food and gifts of some sort. My mom knew the owners a long time and they just opened a new store. So I thought it would be a good thing to ask for a job. And she told me I could start as soon as possible!!! I'm so excited and I can't wait to start. I'm going to be working close to the boss and doing what she needs me to. Organizing and what not. but thats for a while and then we'll see what happens later. So, for now I will move and then I'm gonna start working! So, peace to the people!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My brother

Today is my brothers 12th birthday! It's amazing that time passes so fast and that he is almost a teenager! I shutter at the thought of that.... Well, so far today he has gotten a Nerf Gun (shown above) and shot me with it, so I got his old one and made sure we came to an understanding, I made him waffles that he ended not wanting so we ate them instead! He's been playing with the dogs and watching t.v. I think he's happy! So i think today we're going roller skating and he's going to hang out with his best friend for a while. For now he is playing violin and getting ready to start a fun day and I got to get off here so I'll leave with this little thought, even though he can be annoying and crazy, I still love him! Happy Birthday little bro and I hope you have many more to come.
