Sunday, March 15, 2009

Prom Night!!

Well its been a while again,but let me tell you that I am one busy person! But anyway, lets see.....March 15, 2009 was the last day of ski season! It wasn't even a good day,the snow was awful and it was raining and foggy. But it was still nice to go see everyone for the last time. Joshua is playing soccer right now,well its getting close to be the end, and his birthday was April 2ND! He's now 13. Still the same though, we went to ride go carts and ran around downtown for a while! Now its almost my birthday, I'm going to be 18! Our last concert is this Monday night and Joshua has a soccer game in about an hour. Last Saturday night was our prom. It was so fun! We danced, ran around and of course talked a bunch! I saw friends I haven't seen in forever, which was nice and fun to see their reactions! I went with Friends of mine, Katie, Danielle, and Katelyn. We all got ready at Katelyn's house, and Katie did all of our makeup! Then we ate out and took pictures, then went to the dance. Pretty simple stuff! Here are some pictures..I didn't get alot, but this covers it. More later........

All the girls from left; Danielle, Katie, Katelyn, Me

Close Up!

Getting my hair done

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm Alive!

Wow.......this is bad! I'm sorry I haven't even thought about this blog. So where to begin. I had a great summer,hanging out,swimming in the river,we went to Charleston with our cousins! I love Charleston...its so amazing there. =)The fall started out good,school and orchestra. I must say that Joshua and I are getting pretty good at violin. We have been working really hard,especially me cause I don't have long be for I go off to college. This winter has been good so far. We have had to snow falls & skiing has been amazing! The season has been good and they have had plenty of snow,except for...ohh i don't know a week or so. My Christmas was amazing! I got everything i wanted,we had an awesome time with my family! Joshua got twin tip skis,so that was fun! My grandma passed away in....November believe. It was real sudden,but we were ready for it. So Christmas was a little weird without her telling us to stop running and jumping when we do crazy stuff,or telling us to be careful. One good side to that was I got to see my older brother! I miss him that was soooo fun! I also had to be laid off from working for a little while. We were closing a shop and i needed a break! I'll go back in the Spring. It was a good 2008. I cant believe its 2009 crazy,but I'm ready to see what God has planned for me! More to come.....cause i will write more!
